today's work surface:

specialty dry goods (leather) has been growing organically since june 2013, with intention august 2013. sdg began with a focus on utilizing remnant leather. demand for larger bags and multiple units (one-of-a-kind products are actually quite time consuming) branched out sdg's direction to non-remnant hide (from food by-product). during this months designers and agents tradeshow in nyc and the current one kings lane artisanal man promotion, sdg launched (usa surplus) denim & canvas bags into the line. having to balance the economics of it all and feeling like i've gotten away from producing with remnant leather (the stories that come with it), sdg will be launching a couple of new collections - 'small things' (remnant leather only bags) and 'urban nomad' (found and artisanal fabrics). will speak more about these programs soon. still on the road and lots of work to do...returning to la tomorrow (a city & friends i do love) yet, already feel like i'm missing ny and my friends here. A tale of two cities.